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Ever wondered what symbols on Lagos State Coat Of Arms (logo) represent?

Lagos State, though the most populated, is among the smallest states in Nigeria.
Lagos State Government logo

THE Lagos State Coat of Arms (Logo)  is the official representation and seal of the government of Lagos state.

Lagos State, though the most populated, is among the smallest states in Nigeria. Here are what the items on the Coat of Arms represent.

Representations on the Lagos State Coat of Arms

WHITE CAP (KEREMESI): It denotes the symbol of authority common to most areas of the state. 

COCONUT PALM: These represent one of the main agricultural products of the state

WHEEL: These signify industry and the red background indicates flame-generating power.

AKOKO LEAVES: These signify longevity. It is used at the installation of all Obas and Chiefs.

COWRIES: They signify the earliest medium of exchange in the state. 

THE THREE LINES: These represent the present, the past and the future.

FISHING ACTIVITY: It denotes the traditional occupation of the people and inhabitants of Lagos State.

MOTTO - JUSTICE AND PROGRESS: "Justice" signifies the necessity in the state, to give every man his due without fear or favour, affection or ill, while "Progress" signifies the hopes and aspirations of the people of Lagos State.