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How to guard against outsiders' interference in your relationship

The first grudge my wife and I experienced in our relationship came about as a result of outsiders’ interference. It happened one of our neighbours told my wife’s friend (another neighbour) that I was seeing some lady in some street not too distance away from where we lived. We were newly married...

THE first grudge my wife and I experienced in our relationship came about as a result of outsiders’ interference. It happened one of our neighbours told my wife’s friend (another neighbour) that I was seeing some lady in some street not too far away from where we lived. We were newly married say about four months into the relationship. We were inexperienced, immature, and my wife was carrying our first child.

No woman, more so newly married, can afford to spare such information, and understandably the cheap rumour ignited my wife’s suspicion. So she took it in and decided to sabotage the oneness we swore on the altar to embrace. Worse still, she didn’t communicate her concern to me; instead, she went to her sister to pour her heart out. Meanwhile, I didn’t know what was amiss, so I couldn’t have been able to address the issue. maybe out of the oneness my wife’s sister shared with her husband, the troubled woman went ahead and briefed her husband on our situation. He, in turn, came around to let me know what had been going on albeit out of concern for our relationship.

I didn’t understand it. While the good man tried to put in a word or two, I fixed my eyes confusedly but with deep love and understanding on my wife like she was some UFO from Jupiter who just landed into the earth to find a cure. The rumour was certainly untrue, but my wife gave room for it in the first place.


She opened the door to her heart to the outsiders.

Outsiders’ interference is incontestably one of the major causes of strife in relationships, if not the next in rank after money. You must have experienced its wrought one time or the other, or it just has not shown up its ugly face yet. You sure also could have mastered how to put it in its place.

If you belong to the latter class, I say "good girl," and, if not, here I am to help. In this post is how to never fall prey to the nuisances of the outsiders. Yet, I won’t guarantee that! There are tendencies of it's coming. It’s very natural.


Because you share space on Planet Earth with in-laws, friends, relatives, neighbours, hyenas, and vampires! Welcome to your "outsiders" and they are the reason why you need my bla-bla-bla on how to guard against their interferences in your business.

You can’t do without them. They are like the oxygen you breathe; you have to inhale even while you sleep. They are not bad to share the world with either and you will always need them at least for emotional survival.

In truth, a chunk of your life has to accommodate them. They help you get around the day and somehow, they add bright colours to your life. You know how you feel when you have a friend to chat with while you shop in a fashion store. Also, when you so need to share a little secret with an ally about some cute, angelic guy you bumped into after church service on Sunday.

But then, the one singular word is CAUTION. You need the outsiders, but you don’t need their interference in your love relationship. Period!

There are ways you can conveniently block out this virus and protect your love life from being corrupted! And that done without being offensive. So, I present to you in this post how to guard against outsiders’ interference in your relationship. But I also like you to know why the outsiders stink.

So we start there.

Why you don’t (ever) need outsiders’ interference in your relationship

1. Foremost, because a standing Holy Order binds you to your soul mate. Mind your business!

Remember the "bone of your bone, the flesh of your flesh…" bible lines? Then also: ‘Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, AND THEY SHALL BE ONE FLESH’. That’s the Holy Order and you guys can’t be any more ONE than that. Glued together with no cracks allowed. Said rightly, no outsider’s interference allowed!

God is interested in every relationship and to be involved will demand no space in between you and your soul mate. It actually takes FOCUS and JUST THE TWO OF YOU and God to make your relationship work. No extra luggage. Anything extra is garbage. You owe God that responsibility to bear. Successful relationships are built on that principle. I think God really cares. Just complement His care givings by obeying this holy order, foremost.

2. Outsiders’ interference in your relationship issues can add negativity to them. Too many hands sour the soup.

Yes, very absolutely! Because the concern the outsiders show via words, though most times harmless, can lay a stone in your heart and ignite your subconscious into embracing doubt, suspicion, irritation, insecurity… thus worsening the situation.

In turn, you become a threat to the oneness you were ordered to share (and they shall be one flesh). It’s like setting out to demolish the foundation of your relationship by your own self.

Remember my experience. I was accused of infidelity wrongly, but my wife didn’t get it. Be it true or false, there was a threat to her security and that was all her reason to fight back. You are a woman and I don’t see you any different. No woman will want her emotion to be tampered with.

This is fair to you, but I will rather advise you to ignore the outside and work on the inside. When you have a grip on the inside (by exploring your feminine charm), nothing on the outside should be a threat.

3. You may be at risk of falling prey to the predator. Welcome home, dinner!

An outsider may not be an angel you envisage her to be, especially if she is a friend (I’m very blunt on this!). Either you or your soul mate may be the target, and you may realize you just walked into a trap by welcoming her interference in your relationship.

Life is a bet. Sometimes you are likely to find things in places you didn’t place them,  but the good thing about life is you have the unquestionable privilege to be on guard. Make friends and enjoy friendship. But don’t get too close and always watch your back.

My point actually…

Always resist the urge to call in outsiders to vent your frustration anytime you have issues in your relationship. It’s nothing more than attempting to destroy a building with a bulldozer. Doing that is tantamount to spreading unfavourable thoughts about your man to the outsiders.