U.S. identifies Nigeria as location to promote chemical security

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THE United States Government has said it has identified Nigeria as one of the most viable countries to promote chemical security for a safer world.

According to media reports, Daniel Rockniak, the Senior Director of the American Chemistry Council, said this in Abuja on Wednesday at a workshop tagged ‘Promoting Chemical Security for a Safer World’.

According to him, “Nigeria is one of those countries we have identified as hopefully good locations for responsible care, and that’s why we are here to start this workshop.”

He said that his mission was to talk to stakeholders handling chemical distribution about how the country could manage chemical distribution responsibly.

He noted that it was imperative to identify the organisations that sponsor responsible care in Nigeria, stating that the US was about to supplement the regulations on chemical distribution in the country rather than complement them.

Rockniak said that if there were challenges with regulatory processes, responsible care could help fill some of those gaps by using best practices around the world to improve their chemical management.

Meanwhile, Patrick Omopariola, the Director of Chemical Evaluation and Research at NAFDAC, said the concept of chemical safety has existed for many years.

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In his words, “Everyone that has contact with chemicals and chemistry already knows that chemicals are inherently hazardous and dangerous, so we have to be kept in such a way to be safe.”

He said that the real concept of chemical security started after the September 11, 2011, terrorist attacks.

Omopariola said that NAFDAC had adopted the United States’ chemical security programmes and was implementing them in the country, stating that these had been developed to ensure that citizens could keep chemicals safe.

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