Lizzy Jay cries out as blackmailer releases naked tape online

Lizzy Jay

ACTRESS and comedienne, Adeyela Adebola, better known as Lizzy Jay Omo Ibadan, has cried out after her nude video surfaced online while pleading for prayers from concerned Nigerians.

The comedienne, via her Instagram page on Friday, September 15, 2023, explained the circumstances behind the video and how it eventually got into the wrong hands.

According to Lizzy Jay, the blackmailer got hold of her private recording after hacking her email. His efforts to extort her with the clip were futile, so he made the private video public.

She also noted that she would be officially reporting the case to the rightful authorities for further investigations.

Lizzy Jay

Her statement reads: “For the past few days, I have received calls and messages from someone who claims to have my nudes. The calls and comments on my page are aimed at forcing me to a negotiation table to become a victim of blackmail.

“For the records, the said video is a video I made to my doctor to complain about a reaction I am having to a particular medication, which includes rashes on my body and in my private part, pile, bleeding etc. I couldn’t have a physical examination with my Doctor, so I made a video of my body and private parts, then screenshot the part I wanted my doctor to see from the video and sent it to him so that he could prescribe me drugs to use.

Lizzy Jay

“And I deleted the video immediately. The video, which I made over a year ago, was made via Snapchat because I hardly use it and it felt safer. The man trying to blackmail me hacked into one of my email accounts and used it to gain access to my Snapchat. He took hold of the video and has since shared it since I refused to deal.

“I am putting this statement out for the records. I will be visiting the police PRO to make a formal complaint and give them every detail and pictures I was able to find connecting to the blackmailer. Please put me in your prayers as I survive this storm of blackmailer.

“NB: What I sent to my Doctor was a screenshot from the video I made, not the entire video, so my Doctor is not in any way connected to this blackmail at all.”

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