Are youths still the "leaders of tomorrow"?

CALLING the youths 'leaders of tomorrow' has brought about the mindset that they are incapable of making a change today because it is not yet their time.
In our country today, THE YOUTH ARE THE LEADERS OF TOMORROW does not hold water as an idea because since the genesis of democracy there has not been a youth national president or vice president. The country has been ruled by old men who are even far older than the country itself.

Unfortunately, the 21st century Nigerian Youth has totally lost control and surrendered to lustful things of the material world and this is mostly because of the influence of peer pressure and the fear of Nigeria's poverty rate.

In the face of our current challenges and the worrying rise in terrible criminal activities. The youth of this generation need more orientation on how to become good leaders and impact makers. We must tame our wild desires to acquire more than we can spend all at once, or be bothered only about luxury or opulence.
With proper orientation, the youth of Nigeria can actually make our country a better place to live in. We have the talents and skills but there remains an overwhelming dearth of morals and virtues.


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