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PRAY FOR NIGERIA: CAN declares Friday National Day of Prayer

The Christian organisation also ordered all Christian bodies to mobilise their members nationwide for the programme in order to usher the country into a new era of peace, unity, safety, and all-around prosperity.
Prayer session

THE Christian Association of Nigeria, (CAN) on Wednesday, November 2, 2022, declared Friday, November 4, 2022, as a National Day of Prayer to seek God’s intervention in the affairs of Nigeria.

The association also urged participants to assemble at the Abuja National Christian Centre by 10:00 AM and ordered all Christian bodies to mobilise their members nationwide for the programme in order to usher the country into a new era of peace, unity, safety and all-around prosperity.

CAN, in a statement issued by its Chairman, National Prayer Day Committee, Archbishop John Daniel, enjoined all Christians across Nigeria to solicit the help of God and to frustrate evil plans against the country.

The Archbishop said, “We consider this crucial in view of the fact that Nigeria is passing through very challenging times at the moment, despite its sufficient natural, human, and material resources.

“Nigeria is a vibrant and virile land that is full of colour, wealth, and all that it would take to be one of the greatest nations on earth. Sadly, the country has not yet reached where it should be at the moment due to some inherent problems.”